Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Roger Cannady--"Help" Live 1965 - thermotron - bannach

ok sure

The Beatles "Help" Live 1965---roger cannady and associates thermotron former employee


roger cannady and associates-- former thermotron former former national service manager--

yes dean tripp -- said it no longer mattered if you did a good job or a bad job--

Gregory V johnson -- robbed and daily steal what you can-- and lie about your co workers-- (ck out Elaine Johnson) the Thermotron promoter and protector of piers cheats thieves-

Hil Sybesma -- robbery thief and embezzlement -- is called "working the system

yes -- it can be hard to find employment -- after thermotron-- just ask-- thomas bannach-- or Dean tripp-- or Gregory V Johnson -- and fred Plont-- John tenbrink-- Thomas Bannach tom patterson

yes the word is out-- ask Bo Bjarno-- or Bill Arvo-or maybe Ed Flowers --

once you are in you can't get out

every one is an EXPERT

but within-- the circle -- of cronieism -- just tell them  hey Buddy!!

I lied for you!!


  1. May your hearts soon be filled with wonderful memories of joyful times together as you celebrate a life well lived.

    The management team at Sexton and

    the major manufactors.. would tell the
    employee's that the
    "Field Service Factory training was " "Really one job at a time in the field"

    after you fix something a few time... maybe you will remember it long enough to show your co-worker what you did !!
    watch out thou... he is is a con-man!!!
    Ck out All Temp engineering...with Mitch Kerr and Fred plant they got their "FIELD SERVICE TRAINING"

    the OLD--FASHON-- WAY.. by trial and error !!!
    But don't tell the customer that U just hired on.. it will confuse them !!

    As Tom Patterson said . He agreed with John tenbrink

  2. thermotron Embezzlement training (don’t B left out)
    thermotron1tool thermotron1tool
    7 years ago
    thermotron Embezzlement training

    with Fred Plont– Gee isn’t every one a liar and a thief
    thermotron manager training-
    EMBEZZLEMENT was about $10,000 to $20,000 per year–
    Posted by taxmeagain1working4christ in Uncategorized

    ≈ Leave a comment

    Roger cannady and associates –thermotron where
    gregory v Johnson — spent 3 years robbing the customer– embezzling and –

    when roger cannady and thomas bannach
    were asked about it–
    they libled and slandered — the “Good people”
    you backstabber– talkin BAD about your liar and thief CO-worker–

    is not allowed at thermotron

    Hil sybesma says”’ it’s ok — it’s just working the system”

    Stop Touching Me Elmo —

    thermotron former employee

    when Thomas bannach was employed at Thermotron–

    He told the Field service engineer in the Branch office that it was Ok

    to lie ,cheat steal embezzle and defraud the customer and co workers–

    because everyone he knows is like that– and

    and when Roger cannady and his Associates were contacted at the Home Office in Holland Michigan–

    Roger cannady reply was — well if you don’t like the way we manage –

    – i will accept your resignation–

    Yes leadership training with roger Cannady -and his associates- was an expression of a closet pervert–

    looking 4 a dummy

    Roger Cannady — as the National Service Manager said” well if you don’t like your review”

    and when

    Dave Water field replaced roger cannady as Thermotron National service manager–

    He said that all the offices that thomas bannach and roger cannady managed — stood out like a sore thumb– becasue of the excessive Robber– thief– and embezzlement–

    Yes thomas Bannach and his Pet ‘s Gregory V Johnson– hil sybesma– dean tripp–

    all agreed — stealing was called — working the system and the average amount of

    EMBEZZLEMENT was about 10,000 to 20,000 per year–

    Gregory V Johnson would drive to the branch office — talk to Bo Bjarno the 3rd thermotron sales guy and then drive home

    when Thomas Bannach would call him–

    he would lie and tell Thomas Bannach that — his phone and Beeper didn’;t work..

    and when a job was called into the office — he would tell the customer that “the service man that does that type of job ” was “Out of town”

    He spent six monthes putting down 8 hours a day at a company called Ramteck– and Thomas Bannach never cked to see if he was on the job–

    ( and when the co workers – expressed – their amazement — that thomas bannach didn’t care about the robber thief and embezzlement) they were drumed out — with supporting lies and slander from gregory v johnson–

    because as a psychopath– he said it didn’t matter what lies you said about any one–

    and as thomas Bannach is also a pervert– well that’s the way it goes

    ENSECO chamber company hired him and with in 3 months–

    they wondered why they hired a thomas Bannach “PET” in the first place–

    and went to his home on the week end — to fire him– and retrieve their service truck

  3. John TenBrink was such a bad example
    But after misleading mardy rich.. and defrauding him, John Tenbrink got to go into sales.. and sales in the chamber business is getting the customer drunk and pretending u are their friend.

    from there he went to Environtronics, where Gary Molinar was just leaving.. as he said about john.. it dosen't take much
    But Gary said he was different .. He came there to Do a Job" not just learn

    Gregory v Johnson showed all the placed he robbed in Pasidena California as he was growing up.

    He robbed customers daily and bo bjarno the sales staff told tom banish and he considered it ok.

    This guy robbed and embezzled over 50,000 dollars
    and jim roulfes helped him steal an additional 20,000 thousand
    by removing bo bjarno the last blockage.

    Now even though bo was a drunk he had better character than bannash.

    Tom Bannash bragged he could lible slander every one and you people would believe his lies.,

    Now the fact
    that dan o'keff and tom bannash called employees and co-workers the "gay "behind" their back is another example of the slandering evil attitude that was there.

    Hil sysbesma said embezzling was not stealing it was "working the system"his rate was about $10000 .00

    So, now Jim Roulives made him a sales man..

    the big joke was that he took
    Fred plont -- got a new job? (Funny Police Station Scene)

    fred plont former thermotron --

    field service r ---I've always thought sociopaths were serial killers and rapists. (Funny Police Station Scene)yes every one pred plont worked with at thermotron-- bragged that it is normal to be a liar and a thief

    Get advanced training with Bob wiley, or ron wiley, thomas Bannach, mitch kerr, or john dane, thomas patterson, Daniel J O'keefe. roger cannady, dave waterfield, mark lammers,

    or start at the TOP--- with Tamera Kennedy---

    you only need a GED to be a professional --

    From a reader (my responses in bold):

    red plont thermotron -- field service engineer senior ---I've always thought sociopaths were serial killers and rapists. (Funny Police Station Scene)

    or start at the TOP--- with tamera kennedy
    you only need a GED to be a professional

    Dear M.E.

    I've discovered I'm what they call a sociopath a year ago.

    I waz actually reading psychology to help me manipulate

    Dear M.E.

    I've discovered I'm what they call a sociopath a year ago. I waz actually reading psychology to help me manipulate people better.

    This is one of the big reasons psychologists hate treating sociopaths,

    by the way -- they feel like we just take the info we learn from them and use it against them.I waz ordered by the courts when I waz younger to go to therapy for anger control and my therapist called me one and refused to 'treat' me, so it kind of jumped out at me. If I knew then what I know now she can't diagnose me at one at 25

    [you mean 15?] cuz its a 21 and over thing.

    I've always thought sociopaths were serial killers and rapists.

    You know the hype I'm sure. Yeah, all too familiar.

    Let me start by saying everyone wear's a mask, but not like I can wear one. I started manipulating people in first grade. I got my first grade teacher fired from her job, because she didn't like me. I got the kids to hate her, their parents, and my parents. I had the kids feeling like they were in a sweatshop of classes. So much homework there's no way to finish it, I said. The kids all agreed of course. The parents followed suit. It was to long ago to remember the course of events exactly that lead to her getting fired, but I remember how powerful I felt. Ha, I love it. Firing teachers is like a teeth-cutting activity for sociopaths, it seems. I didn't start getting teachers fired as early as first grade, though. That's

    My folks still think I was innocent on all
    Let me start by saying everyone wear's a mask, but not I
    thomas bannach is my hero
