Tuesday, March 25, 2014

thermotron management training - Think Differently- roger cannady and associates


 it was a time to think differently-- with roger cannady and his associates--

Thomas w Bannach it's ok to lie cheat steal embeZzle defraud your co workers and customer

gregory V Johnson -- it dosen't matter what lies you say about your co workers- and you are supposted to tell roger cannady ansy thing he wants to hear--

Hil Sybesma I'm a company man- becasue it dosen't matter what you do to any one so long as some people like you

Fred Plont Gee isn't everyone a liar and a thief???

Thomas Patterson -- after you lie cheat steal and defraud the first 500 people it gets easer

John Tenbrink -- Old Bob wiley is as smart as a fox

Dave Durham -- you are a "backstabber" if you expose  thieves and embezzlers

Bill Bench -- your job is to lie and defraud the customer when ever it is necessary

Mike Barrs -- Gee i dating 3 different worman and each thinks they are the "1 and-only"

and you know when a sales guy is "lying" ha ah -- when their lips are moving--

(need a blow job" ???

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